Pie and Pea Supper Invitation
We are inviting you to join us for a short while on Thursday 17th March at Palmer Morewood Social Club for a ‘musical taster session’ and afterwards enjoy a Pie & Pea Supper (on us) , a drink from the bar (not on us) and a chat with the choir. Consider this:–
Have you been invited to join a choir but said — ” I can’t sing”, or ”I can’t read music”, or ”I’ll think about it”. The thing is, maybe you can sing better than you thought, you don’t really need to formally read music and if you keep ”thinking about it”, you’ll never find out what you are missing.
Do you enjoy singing with the radio ? (I’m sure we all do.}
Do you sing in the shower? (Good acoustics?)
Have you previously sung in a choir which has disbanded?
Are you looking for something to take your mind off Covid, politics, woke, etc.? (A good ‘sing’ is a breath of fresh air.)
If you fit any of these profiles, why not come along.
It’s easy to avoid making the effort; I was approached several times before I finally attended but was hooked from the first visit (and there was not even pie and peas to tempt me).
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Our Next Event
A visit to Tupton to help celebrate the 50th Anniversary of VE Day. Details to follow.
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